
About the Author

David G. Jones’ working life was mostly spent in the Middle East and Asia, he was fortunate to have been in touch with different cultures, to be able to look at those cultures from (as far as possible) within that culture, a very important perspective made possible by living there, a perspective he has tried to maintain in his travels.

It is through this ‘emic’ view that immersion became possible, being able to, if not fully understand at least to have a perspective through the eyes of those he was trying to appreciate.

His photography is mostly of people and cultures but also of their history, the ancient history, the story of mankind. Photography has taken him to places, and alongside the photos taken, he would compose poetry that speaks of the culture and the history that created it.

The basis for his poetry is empathy toward the world around him, a need to speak of history, natural beauty and sadly injustice and repression, aspects of the human condition he met where he worked and lived.